SGT 2024-25

Thank you for joining our Knox SGT!!

This year we will make many important decisions about our school programs, schedules and policies.

Please mark your calendar for the following meetings.






5/7 *Wednesday

Meetings are at 3:15 on zoom



Zoom code=858 9340 8876


*As the year progresses, we may need to add special additional meetings to approve more urgent items that arise*

Parents- we know that this is dismissal time. You are welcome to come to campus and attend from a computer here with us if needed in the parent room.

Please note that missing more than 2 meetings may cause your position to be removed and a new candidate to be voted in. Please let us know in advance if you can not attend. Thank you!

I will be sending calendar invites for these meetings.

*Lemieux FYI for student*

Thank you!! 


Buenos días,

¡Gracias por unirse a nuestro SGT de Knox!

Este año tomaremos muchas decisiones importantes sobre nuestros programas, horarios y políticas escolares.

Marque su calendario para las siguientes reuniones.






7/5 *Miércoles

Las reuniones son a las 3:15 en Zoom


Código de Zoom=858 9340 8876

*A medida que avanza el año, es posible que necesitemos agregar reuniones especiales adicionales para aprobar temas más urgentes que surjan*

Padres: sabemos que es hora de despido. Puede venir al campus y asistir desde una computadora que tenemos aquí con nosotros si es necesario en la sala de padres.

Tenga en cuenta que si falta a más de 2 reuniones, es posible que se elimine su puesto y se vote a un nuevo candidato. Infórmenos con anticipación si no puede asistir. ¡Gracias!

Enviaré invitaciones de calendario para estas reuniones.


                                              Good Morning,


Thank you for joining our Knox SGT!!


This year we will make many important decisions about our school programs, schedules and policies.


Please mark your calendar for the following meetings.












5/7 *Wednesday


Meetings are at 3:15 on zoom



Zoom code=858 9340 8876


*As the year progresses, we may need to add special additional meetings to approve more urgent items that arise*


Parents- we know that this is dismissal time. You are welcome to come to campus and attend from a computer here with us if needed in the parent room.


Please note that missing more than 2 meetings may cause your position to be removed and a new candidate to be voted in. Please let us know in advance if you can not attend. Thank you!



I will be sending calendar invites for these meetings.


*Lemieux FYI for student*


Thank you!! 


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