Welcome to Knox Middle School, An Oasis of Knowledge, On The RoadTo College. This is our third year as a 6, 7, 8 Middle School, we invite you to enjoy all the changes that are taking place to improve our campus. Come enjoy innovative instructional practices, energetic students and staff members,and learning that takes you into and beyond the 21st century.
While at Knox you will enjoy academics that challenge your thinking, enhance your learning, and entice your ability to do more than you ever thought possible.
We welcome and enjoy parental involvement and community participation. Join us as we change the way students prepare for collegeand beyond. Our students will take an active part in their learning and encourage teachers to do more, teach more and continue learning more. Together we will increase the overall knowledge base of the community.
College readiness is our goal for our students. We will prepare students with skills necessary for future careers. Our students, teachers and parents will know how to prepare for four-year colleges, career colleges, trade schools, and others.
Many teachers at Knox have been trained in the Advancement Via Individualized Determination (A.V.I.D.) methodology, a program designed to help students prepare for, enter, and graduate from college. All students at Knox have AVID instruction embedded daily.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are our community focus. We will design our curriculum to support the STEM focus from our elementary schools and prepare our students for the STEM focus in thelocal high schools. We have added Arts to our STEM design, making it a STEAM focus. Our students deserve to be "Ready for the World' by beingprepared for any school in the world.
Our parents will continue to be a welcome addition to all we do and develop in our school for the future. We will need everyone to do their part to make Knox the best. While construction is coming to a close, we work diligently to support students, family and communities. Night computer use and classes for students and parents are available at Knox. We will have continual professional development for our teachers and staff and continuous tutorial opportunities for students.
As Knox continues to grow as a state-of-the-art middle school, all efforts are being made to equip our facilities with everything necessary to be successful and thrive. We invite you to join us as we change the way we learn in our community.