Knox Middle School students are enforced to wear school attire that complies with the new dress code. Students are encouraged to continue to wear the school uniform since it acts in accordance with our new dress code. Aside for being economical, uniforms are an important way to enhance school pride and student safety. The dress code offers several options that make it easy for students and parents to comply.
School Colors: Royal Blue, Golden Yellow, and White
Any color is acceptable to wear for polo shirts, dress shirts, t-shirts, pants, shorts, skirts or dresses, although students are encouraged to wear school colors. However, students are expected to exercise sound judgment, safety, good taste and modesty regarding their dress and grooming. Any clothing considered to be disruptive to the educational process is inappropriate for school.
The Knox Middle School interpretation of modesty, as stated above is as follows:
- Bellies must be covered and shirts/blouses touch the top of pants
- Undergarments (male and female) may not be exposed
- Strapless shirts, completely bare shoulders, halter tops, or athletic tank tops are not permitted
- Sagging is not permitted
- Logos larger than 5 inches are not permitted (limit of one logo per article of clothing)
- Shorts or skirts are a disruption to the educational process and will not be permitted.
- Clothing may not be too revealing or transparent. Tights, Leotards, clothing with rips, tears or cuts are not permitted.
- Sleepwear, pajamas, blankets, sunglasses, house slippers, flip flops, sandals, and shoes considered unsafe due to heel height are not permitted. Students must wear closed toe shoes.
- Hats and hoods are not permitted to be worn indoors and must be worn forward [Exceptions: Hat/head coverings for religious convictions or medical reasons]
- Bandannas (carried or worn) are not permitted on campus
- Any items that have been identified by the San Diego Police Department as gang attire/colors are not permitted
Garments, backpacks and accessories (including backpacks, binders, photos, etc.) must not display:
- Profane, sexually suggestive, obscene language or pictures
- Vulgar gestures or tagging
- Racial, ethnic or sexist slurs or images
- Alcohol, tobacco, drugs or weapons
Any items that have not been listed and are in question will be reported to the Administration whose decision will be final.
Consequences for Noncompliance
- Detention issued
- Parent notified for change of clothes or students must wear clothing provided by school
- Excessive noncompliance will result in a suspension and parent conference
Acceptable color for P.E. Suit
Black Navy Blue Gray White Golden Yellow
- Plain T-Shirt . no logos
- Basketball/athletic shorts are required.
P.E. Uniforms will be available for purchase during registration.
*Wednesdays are College Day. All students are encouraged to wear College Attire or Dress Code.*
*Fridays are School Spirit Day. All students are encouraged to wear our School Colors or Dress Code.*